Number of articles: 835

In the Heart of the Home

The goal of the recent Art of Living Conference in Manila was to help people see "work in the home as a service to their family, which can be professionalized and brought to the level of an art.”

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Transcript of Cardinal Dolan's June 26, 2018 Homily

Transcript of the homily given by Cardinal Timothy Dolan on June 26, 2018 in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Manhattan, for the feast of Saint Josemaria.

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Working on Trust (4): “Can I go out tonight?”

“Can I go out tonight?” is one of the most feared questions for parents of adolescents. But as children grow up, the need for space to exercise their freedom becomes increasingly evident. Fourth video in the series “Working on Trust.”

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Archbishop William Lori's Homily for Feast of Saint Josemaria

Homily of Archbishop Lori at the Mass on June 26, 2018 in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Baltimore.

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Saint Josemaria: "The Last Romantic"

For the 90th anniversary of the founding of Opus Dei, Monsignor Mariano Fazio has published some personal reflections on the founder.

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"Washington Week": Integrating Faith and Professional Dreams

This summer, in July, high school girls from the U.S. and Europe will spend a week in Washington, DC exploring ways to integrate their faith with their professional aspirations.

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Masses for Feast of Saint Josemaria (2018)

Some of the bishops celebrating Masses for the feast of Saint Josemaria in the United States this year are Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York; Bishops Edward Burns of Dallas, Brendan J. Cahill of Victoria, Texas; Bishop Richard J. Malone of Buffalo; David Kagan of Bismarck, North Dakota; Bishop Robert Barron, auxiliary bishop of Los Angeles; and Bishop Enrique Delgado, auxiliary bishop of Miami.

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Working on Trust (3): "Mom, can I have a cell phone?"

At what age should children begin to have their own cell phone? How can parents guide their children's use of this technology? The third episode of "Working on Trust," a video series that seeks to help parents in educating their children.

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31 New Priests from 15 Countries

On Saturday May 5, Cardinal Robert Sarah ordained 31 priests of the Prelature of Opus Dei in Saint Eugene's Basilica in Rome. "We ask the Lord to send us many holy priests," he said.

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Cardinal Sarah's Homily at Ordination of 31 Priests

"Contemporary man goes to the priest seeking Christ," Cardinal Robert Sarah said in his homily at the May 5 ordination ceremony for 31 new priests of the Prelature.

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