Number of articles: 835

"Last of the Romantics"

An interview published in "Aleteia" with Monsignor Mariano Fazio, vicar general of Opus Dei, about his new book "Last of the Romantics: St. Josemaria in the Twenty-First Century."

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Working on Trust (6): Each Child Is Different

As children grow up, many parents are surprised to realize that their blueprint for them does not quite match the reality. A video from Kenya. The sixth in the series "Working on Trust."

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The First Supernumeraries. The 1948 Workshop

70 years ago, in September 1948, Saint Josemaria organized a gathering for 15 men where he spelled out in detail what the vocation of married members in Opus Dei entails. An article published in "Studia et Documenta," vol. 12.

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"A seed of vibrant disciples of Christ"

An interview with Archbishop Jourdan, apostolic administrator for Estonia, about the Pope's 22-25 September trip to the Baltic states. Published in "Our Sunday Visitor."

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New Saxum Website

The Saxum Center in the Holy Land, now near completion, has a new website with photos, videos, testimonies and abundant information about activities and facilities for visitors.

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"Follow your priestly path, filled with the joy of the Gospel"

Three faithful of Opus Dei have received priestly ordination in the Marian sanctuary of Torreciudad at the hands of Bishop José María Yanguas.

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Working on Trust (5): "Can I have a party?"

A great opportunity for dialogue between parents and children can arise even when tensions exist regarding their choices, such as when planning a big birthday party or other celebration. Fifth video in the series “Working on Trust.”​

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Live-streaming: Marian Family Day and Priestly Ordinations

On Saturday, 1 September, the 28th Marian Day for the Family will take place at the Shrine of Torreciudad. The next day, Sunday, 2 September, the Bishop of Cuenca, Monsignor José María Yanguas Sanz, will confer priestly ordination on three deacons of the Prelature.

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Lessons Atop Mt. Kenya

Every year, staff, students and friends from Eastlands College of Technology in Nairobi get together to climb the third highest peak in Kenya, at 4,999m above sea level.

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"Discovering the ever-youthful face of Christ"

On Thursday, 5 July 2018, Pope Francis authorized several decrees on heroic virtues, including those relating to two teenagers: the Anglo-Italian Carlo Acutis and the Spaniard Alexia González-Barros, who died respectively at 15 and 14 years of age.

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