Number of articles: 835

Six New Priests of Opus Dei in Africa

On 5 May 2018, 31 new priests of the Prelature of Opus Dei were ordained in Rome by Cardinal Robert Sarah. Six are from Africa.

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Happy Whenever God Calls Our Children

Professor Fabian Okafor shares his joy on the ordination of his son Pedro as a priest of Opus Dei.

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Nigerian engineer to be ordained priest

Anthony Elobuike Asogwa will be ordained to the priesthood along with 30 other faithful of Opus Dei by Cardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation of Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 5th 2018 in the Roman Basilica of Saint Eugene.

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Priests To Make Christ Present

Next Saturday, May 5th, 31 faithful of the Prelature of Opus Dei will receive priestly ordination in Rome. The ceremony will begin at 10 am (Rome time), and will be streamed live on this web page and via Facebook and Youtube.

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Working on Trust (2): "Talking with children about human sexuality"

How should parents talk to their children about human sexuality? The second part in the series "Working on Trust" on educating children in freedom.

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"The Church will be shaped by us young people"

In October 2018, a Synod of Bishops will address the topic “Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment.” An interview with a high school student about her own faith and how young people can share their faith with others.

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Archbishop Presents Two New Catechisms

Produced under the direction of Fr. Joseph Guzman, a priest of Opus Dei, two new catechisms written in a simple and clear style were presented by the Archbishop of Ibadan, Most Rev. Abegunrin, in Nigeria.

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Prelate Answers Questions from Young People

Highlights from get-togethers Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz had with groups of young people in Rome during Holy Week.

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Working on Trust (1): "More than Video Games"

"Working on Trust" is a series of videos intended to help parents in the education of their children. The videos draw upon the teachings of Saint Josemaria, who was passionate about freedom and the educational role of parents.

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Homily, Photos: Deacon Ordinations (March 2018)

A photo gallery and text of the homily delivered by Bishop Klaus Küng at the ordination of three faithful of Opus Dei as transitional deacons on 3 March 2018.

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