Number of articles: 835

In 2021, go to Joseph!

Just as St Joseph watched over the household of God-made-man in Nazareth, so too he continues to care for the Lord’s household on earth now, the continuation of the Incarnation which is the Church.

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Stronger Families: Key to Recovering from the Pandemic

With the year for reflecting on the family set to begin in March, here is an article from the Philippines about the family as the foundation of society and the key to recovering from the pandemic.

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With her Irish sense of humour

Helen Ryan passed away peacefully. She was a faithful friend she knew how to make life enjoyable with her Irish sense of humour.

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Divine Chariots and Peeling Potatoes

An article published in “L’Osservatore Romano” on 9 January 2021, in which Saint Josemaria’s message on sanctifying daily life is viewed in connection with the Oscar-winning film “Chariots of Fire.”

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A Cordoban Creche with Visitors from Fifty-Four Countries

The creche set up in the courtyard of the Alcorce Family Association in Cordoba has drawn visitors from all over the world.

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“Face Time”: The graces of a quieter Christmas

Perhaps one of the graces of a “Covid-Christmas” may be a more serene and deeper contemplation of Christ who is, in the Holy Father’s words, 'Misericordiae Vultus', that is, “the Face of the Father’s Mercy”, writes Fr Donncha Ó hAodha in the current issue of 'Position Papers'.

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John Byrne, gentle cattle farmer

John Byrne, a hard-working farmer all his life, who learned from St Josemaría how to find God in his everyday tasks, died recently. A memorial Mass for the repose of his soul will be celebrated on Saturday 12 December.

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​International Conference on the Centrality of Jesus Christ

The "centrality of Jesus Christ" is a recurring message of the popes of the new millennium. The December 5-8, 2020 conference will be accessible online to everyone.

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Ordination of 27 Deacons: “Welcome, understand, accompany"

Bishop Juan Ignacio Arrieta ordained 27 faithful of Opus Dei as deacons on 21 November. With his homily and words of the Prelate, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz.

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Feast of Saint Severinus, Martyr

The history of devotion to the martyr Saint Severinus, whose relics repose in the oratory of Saint Joseph in the Prelatic Curia of Opus Dei in Rome.

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