Number of articles: 835

Archbishop Gänswein Ordains 27 Priests from 14 Countries

Archbishop Georg Gänswein exhorted the new priests to “remain in Christ.” “In an age when there is so much talk of being ‘progressive,’ you are being asked to remain in Christ.”

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May Recollection Kit (2021)

A recollection is a “mini-retreat,” a few hours of quiet prayer when we look at our lives in God's presence. As we continue to face a global pandemic, this guide can help us spend an hour or two in loving conversation with God, right where we are.

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"We are called to make important things interesting"

Daniel Arasa has recently been appointed by Pope Francis as a consultant to the Dicastery for Communication in the Holy See. He speaks about his work as a professional communicator in the Church.

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Priestly Ordinations on 22 May

On the 22nd of May, at 10 am, Archbishop Georg Gänswein will ordain 27 faithful of Opus Dei as priests. The ceremony will be broadcast live on this website.

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Alvaro, a Beacon for his Friends

In the early hours of April 16-17, 2021, Alvaro de Pedroso Siqueira, a young supernumerary of Opus Dei, died from Covid in São Paulo, Brazil. Testimonies soon began arriving from many friends who testified to how Alvaro had helped them come closer to God.

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Resurrection Now

"What is the significance of our Lord’s Resurrection for the present?" writes Fr Donncha Ó hAodha in the current issue of 'Position Papers'.

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UNIV: At home, but with our hearts in Rome

UNIV 2021, due to the pandemic, will take place online this year. In many countries around the world, activities are being organized to spend Holy Week and Easter at home, but with our hearts in Rome.

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Pray with Saint Josemaria via Webcam during Holy Week

On Tuesday March 30 at 7 pm and Saturday April 3 at 10 am in Rome (UTC +2), live images will be broadcast from the prelatic church of Our Lady of Peace in Rome, where the mortal remains of Saint Josemaría Escrivá repose.

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March 1: Launch of Three International Instagram Accounts

The three new Instagram accounts in Spanish, English and Portuguese will aim to show the attractiveness of the Christian message to today’s men and women in a language they can understand, and always with a positive and sometimes humorous outlook.

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Special Indulgences During Year of Saint Joseph

Decree of the Apostolic Penitentiary that sets forth many ways to obtain special indulgences during this year dedicated especially to the Holy Patriarch.

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