Number of articles: 2173

"I am indebted to Dan Brown"

Andrea Ermini is 28 and works in Florence, in Italy. A year and a half ago he read the "Da Vinci Code" and was surprised by the picture it gives of Opus Dei. He made enquiries and... now has joined the institution. "Thanks to Dan Brown," he says, "I have rediscovered the beauty of the faith."

Recent News

Corporal Mortification

The Church prescribes fasting on certain days and recommends that the faithful practice other sorts of mortification as well. Fr. John Wauck, a priest of Opus Dei, speaks about mortification.

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Spirit behind efforts to help the less fortunate

Punlaan School and Talon Family Farm School help to uplift the living standards of the students and their families, always guided by Christian values.

Social initiatives

Celebration for Africa on Madison Avenue

Harambee, a charitable foundation established on the occasion of the canonization of the founder of Opus Dei, held a fundraising event in Manhattan on May 15.

Recent News

20+ Questions on Jesus Christ

In recent months readers and viewers of The Da Vinci Code have found themselves asking a number of questions about Jesus, his message, and his Church. Here are some Questions & Answers.

Recent News

The Da Vinci Code, the Catholic Church and Opus Dei

A response to The Da Vinci Code from the Prelature of Opus Dei in the United States.

Recent News

Doubleday edition of THE WAY presented at Opus Dei's US headquarters

A new Doubleday edition of The Way, the most popular book by Opus Dei founder Saint Josemaría Escrivá, went on sale in bookstores across the United States and Canada on May 9.

Recent News

Houston Conference on The Da Vinci Code

450 gather for conference setting the record straight on The Da Vinci Code

Recent News

Bishop Javier Echevarría introduces the new edition of The Way by Doubleday

We offer some excerpts from the Introduction written by the Prelate of Opus Dei, Bishop Javier Echevarría, to the new edition of THE WAY by Doubleday, released to bookstores on May 9.

From the Prelate

Gabriela Duclaud will be remembered

Gabriela Duclaud, early member of the Prelature, dies in San Francisco on April 19, 2006

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