Number of articles: 2172

Religion Communicators meeting at Opus Dei headquarters

A preview of the video “Passionately Loving the World: Ordinary Americans Living the Spirituality of Saint Josemaria” was shown April 18 to members of the Religion Communicators Council, in a meeting held at the Opus Dei U.S. headquarters in New York.

Recent News

UNIV: Greeting of the Prelate

Greetings of the Prelate and of the President of UNIV to the Pope, at a gathering held at Saint Peter's.

From the Prelate

"I want each article to enhance the dignity of women."

In Uruguay, Sofia Carluccio found her profession as a small girl while she watched her mother refashion clothing for her children. Today, she is a fashion designer whose work strives to put St. Josemaria's teachings into practice.

Personal testimonies

Video Clip of the UNIV audience with the Pope

We present a short video clip of the audience Benedict XVI had with the participants of the UNIV congress 2006. Duration: 2´22´. Download: 12MB: The download requires RealPlayer

Recent News

Benedict XVI's Greeting to the UNIV Participants

Each year during Holy Week in Rome, an international congress for students is organized with the help of the Prelature of Opus Dei. Pope Benedict met with participants on April 10.

Recent News

Univ 2006: the Pope, with students from 200 universities throughout the world

On Monday 10 April, at 11:20 midday, about 5,000 young people who are taking part in the 39th UNIV meeting will be received in audience by Pope Benedict XVI in the Pope Paul VI Hall (the Vatican).

Recent News

Holistic Rural Education

The Family Farm School system in the Philippines, established by members of Opus Dei, can be the answer to the problem of underdevelopment in the Philippine rural areas.

Social initiatives

John Paul II and the legacy of sanctity

John Paul II changed the world by "the simple force of an unquestionably good life". One year later, Bishop Javier Echevarría recalls the funeral of the pope and offers his reflections.

From the Prelate

How can I help the employees at my business?

Raúl Hernandez is a businessman in Quezon City, The Philippines. He has been involved with setting up cooperatives and business training programs for young people.

Personal testimonies

New Opus Dei website launched

Opus Dei launched an all-new version of on March 22. During 2005, Opus Dei’s website was visited by more than 3 million people.

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