Number of articles: 2173

Reaching out to "God's favorites"

The Family Cooperation Health Services Foundation has primary health-care programs in Las Piñas and Muntinlupa. The program includes classes for barangay health workers and mothers. The foundation holds medical-dental missions monthly.

Social initiatives

World Meeting of Families in Spain

Every three years, the Pope convenes this large gathering for the purpose of celebrating God's gift of the family. The current meeting, which Pope Benedict XVI expects to attend, is taking place between July 1 and 9 in Valencia.

Recent News

Our Family--Plus Four More

Rosa and Alberto already had twelve children when they decided to adopt four little girls from India. Along with her life as a mother, Rosa, a supernumerary member of Opus Dei, is an expert in child rearing, ran a music conservatory, and taught high school.

Personal testimonies

Opus Dei has 34 new priests

Bishop Javier Echevarria, Prelate of Opus Dei, ordained 34 priests in the Basilica of St. Eugene in Rome on May 27

Recent News

EWTN Programs for the Feast of Opus Dei’s Founder, Saint Josemaría

EWTN will broadcast television programs about Opus Dei and Saint Josemaría Escriva on five consecutive evenings beginning June 26, the feast of Saint Josemaría.

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Mass kits for priests celebrating St. Josemaria Escriva’s feast day on June 26

The Mass kit, designed to help priests and parishes organize special Masses to celebrate the feast of St. Josemaria Escriva, is distributed free of charge by the St. Josemaria Institute.

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Experts speak about the Da Vinci Code

We offer two videos in which experts in different areas speak about the Da Vinci Code.

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Video: Elizabeth Lev

Elizabeth Lev, an art historian, says that in her opinion the author of the Da Vinci Code knows neither Opus Dei nor any of its members.

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Video: Amy Welborn

In this video, Amy Welborn, author of the book "De-coding Da Vinci", explains Dan Brown's caricature of Opus Dei. She says: In reality it is an institution that offers spiritual formation to spread the Gospel.

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Abusing my religion

An op-ed by the head of Opus Dei's women's programs in the U.S.

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