Number of articles: 39

"I felt like he was talking to me"

Trinidad got to know St. Josemaria through his book "The Way." She felt like the points were written specifically for her, and they helped her see the future with hope.

Saint Raphael

Saint Josemaria: Family & Childhood

"I am yours, for you I was born: what do you want from me, Jesus?"


Saint Josemaria: Adolescence

"Lord, that I may see! Lady, that it may be!"


Saint Josemaria: Foundation & Early Years

"Twenty-six years, the grace of God, and good humor."


Saint Josemaria: Civil War

"Come what may, everything is for the best because everything comes from the hands of our Father-God."


Saint Josemaria: Years of Expansion

"Of a hundred souls, we are interested in a hundred."


Saint Josemaria: Rome

"These bad times will pass, as they always have [...]. Optimistic, joyful! God is with us!"


Saint Josemaria: Final Years

“This is our destiny on earth: to fight for love until the last moment.”


Looking at Jesus' Face

With a little imagination, we can put ourselves in Veronica's shoes. She overcame her shame and fear to comfort Jesus on the way to Calvary.

For Prayer

Have You No Faith?

Before the sorrow and scandal of the Cross, we have Jesus’s silence: silence and a promise. “Behold your Mother,” He told John, promising that we would always have Mary’s example of faith and love.

For Prayer