Number of articles: 275

"My good friends the souls in purgatory"

On November 2, All Souls Day, the Church reminds us of the need to pray for those who have died and are now being purified.

Recent News

"That First Prayer of a Child of God" (with audio)

On 16 October 1931, Saint Josemaria, beset with many worries, deeply experienced the reality that he was a child of God, which he called a "new Mediterranean" in his life.

Fostering Interior Life

New Anniversary of Canonization

Saint Josemaria was canonized on October 6, 2002. Here is the address Pope John Paul II gave the next day, a powerful summary of the founder's life and message.

Stories from His Life

"This painting draws me to Mass every day"

In the Year of St. Joseph and of the Family, Oakcrest School in Virginia has dedicated an original painting of the Holy Family for the school's chapel.

Recent News

Saints Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Archangels

On September 29, the Church honors the Holy Archangels. A brief history of how Saint Josemaria chose them as patrons of Opus Dei.

Stories from His Life

“I found you on the ground”

On a cold rainy day in Chile, Manuel found a prayer card of Saint Josemaría lying on the ground, soaked and dirty. It was the beginning of a close friendship.

Personal testimonies

Seven Sorrows of Our Lady

September 15th is the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, when following an ancient tradition in the Church we venerate the "seven sorrows of Our Lady." Perfectly united to her Son's sacrifice on the Cross, Mary lovingly shares in Jesus' self-giving for our redemption.

Fostering Interior Life

Saint Josemaria's Devotion to the Holy Cross

For the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on 14 September, here are some extracts from the book "Memories of Blessed Josemaría Escrivá" by Bishop Javier Echevarria.


Saint Josemaria in Nigeria

The adventure of organising a Mass in honour of Saint Josemaria in Abeokuta, Nigeria. This year, over 200 Masses were celebrated in cities and towns around Nigeria.

Devotion and Favors

In DYA: Jesus' "New Commandment"

On August 23, 1932, Saint Josemaria wrote down in his ‘Intimate Notes’ that all the centers of Opus Dei should have a plaque with the words of Jesus' "new commandment": "that you love one another as I have loved you." The first place this was done was the DYA Residence in Madrid.

Stories from His Life