Wednesday's Gospel: Hidden Treasure, Precious Pearl

Gospel for Wednesday in the 17th Week of Ordinary Time, and commentary.

Gospel (Mt 13:44-46)

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.”


Jesus describes the Kingdom of Heaven through clear and simple comparisons that are very graphic and easy to remember. We can return to them again and again to draw out consequences and make specific resolutions.

God has a plan for each person, for each one of us, to make us happy in his Kingdom and working for his Kingdom, which is made specific in our own personal vocation. Throughout the course of our life he reveals his plans to us until the moment comes when we find ourselves face to face with that gift prepared from all eternity.

And since we are free, we can welcome it or reject it. We see the beautiful horizon that is opened before our eyes. But we also see the renunciations entailed in dedicating ourselves with all our strength to what our Lord is asking of us. By presenting us with the natural reaction of a person who finds a hidden treasure or a precious pearl, Jesus helps us to decide.

God’s call is something very precious. “If you were to ask me how the divine call is sensed, how one becomes aware of it,” Saint Josemaría wrote, “I would say that it is a new outlook on life. It is as though a new light is lit within us; it is a mysterious impulse that urges one to dedicate one’s noblest energies to an activity which, over time, becomes a way of life. That vital force, which is something like a sweeping avalanche, is what others call a vocation.”[1]

And Saint Josemaría continued: “This is our call, and if accept it lovingly and learn to appreciate it as something divine, it is a precious stone of infinite value. This call is a hidden treasure that not everyone finds. It is found only by those whom God truly chooses: much will be asked of one to whom much was given.”[2]

Today, Jesus’ words help us realize what a great treasure God offers us when he calls us; it is a precious pearl worth risking everything to obtain.

[1] Saint Josemaría, Letter no. 3, no. 9

[2] Ibid.

Francisco Varo