You want to know on what our faithfulness is founded? I would say, in broad outline, that it is based on loving God, which makes us overcome all kinds of obstacles: selfishness, pride, tiredness, impatience|... A man in love tramples on his own self. He is aware that even when he is loving with all his soul, he isn't yet loving enough. (The Forge, 532)
In the interior life, as in human love, we have to persevere. You have to meditate often on the same themes, keeping on until you re‑discover an old discovery. ``How could I not have seen this so clearly before?'' you'll ask in surprise. Simply because sometimes we're like stones, that let the water flow over them, without absorbing a drop. That's why we have to go over the same things again and again ‑‑ because they aren't the same things ‑‑ if we want to soak up God's blessings. (The Forge, 540)
God does not let himself be outdone in generosity. Be very sure that he grants faithfulness to those who give themselves to him. (The Forge, 623)