"A person who loves God gives his very self"

Time is our treasure, the "money" with which to buy eternity. (Furrow, 882)

What a shame it would be to have as one’s occupation in life that of killing time which is a God‑given treasure! No excuse could justify such behavior. ‘Let no one say, “I only have one talent, I can’t do anything.” Even with just one talent you can act in a meritorious way’ [1]. How sad not to turn to good account and obtain a real profit from the few or many talents that God has given to each man so that he may dedicate himself to the task of serving other souls and the whole of society!

When a Christian kills time on this earth, he is putting himself in danger of ‘killing Heaven’ for himself, that is, if through selfishness, he backs out of things and hides away and doesn’t care. A person who loves God not only hands over to the service of Christ, what he has and what he is in life. He gives his very self. He is not small-minded. He does not see himself in his health, in his good name, or in his career. (Friends of God, 46)

[1] St John Chrysostom, In Matthaeum homiliae, 78,3 (PG 58,714)

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