What is a balanced life?: Season Two of LoveTalks

On 22 April, the second season of LoveTalks, a digital series from the IFFD (International Federation for Family Development), premieres under the slogan "Balanced Life" where experts from around the world will offer ideas and experiences on how to integrate all aspects of life.

Registration for the second season of LoveTalks: Balanced Life

Whether you are a young single professional, a newlywed, or a person who has been married for decades, trying to integrate all aspects of your life (family, work, relationships, social life, free time, mental health, sports...) can be difficult.

Seeing a need for deep reflection on an issue that affects daily life in many families, the IFFD is launching a second season of LoveTalks.

The first season of LoveTalks: Sexuality and Affectivity attracted more than 10,000 people from 148 countries and reached nearly 100,000 views. The second season focuses on the “Balanced Life.”

Javier Vidal-Quadras, IFFD's Secretary General, explains that this second season "seeks to relieve a very present feeling today of not managing to do everything, of not having time and of not knowing how to put on a scale what is really important".

In this new season of LoveTalks, 20 experts will offer short pre-recorded talks (10-15 minutes) on specific questions, providing concrete ideas about how to attain a balanced, harmonious life. Participants will also be given access to videos from the first series on sexuality and affectivity.

The new talks include:

  • Positive Parenting: A Dynamic Relationship
  • Family and Work, a Sweet Combination
  • Companies Today: Leading a Culture that Facilitates Work-Family Balance
  • How to Cultivate a Giving Mindset in Your Home
  • Let Yourself Be Caught by Family Networks...
  • Mental Health: Balancing Family and Work
  • Are today's young people betting on the family?
  • Reflections on Remote Work

According to Leticia Rodríguez, director of Family Enrichment (a program for formation within the IFFD), topics were chosen after interviews with families around the world, expressing their worry about not being able to balance everything. "This second season," she says, "in addition to having great scientific rigor, prioritizes the personal and practical experiences of the expert speakers who often find themselves in the same life situations as our users.”

The IFFD, which is organizing the event, is an international NGO that promotes training, support and accompaniment activities for families from all over the world regardless of race, color, religion or origin. It provides services to many different institutions (family, work, religious, etc.).