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As usual in the months of July and August, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz will undertake various pastoral trips, during which he will be able to greet the faithful of the Prelature, cooperators and those who take part in the means of formation offered by Opus Dei.
On June 27, the Prelate will depart from Rome for Pamplona, where, among other events, he will preside at the University of Navarra’s awarding of honoris causa doctorates to four well-known academic figures. From the capital of Navarra, he will travel to Barcelona on July 4, to participate in the 60th anniversary of the Instituto de Estudios Superior de la empresa (IESE).
Then, on July 8, he will fly to the United States. His predecessor, Bishop Javier Echevarría, went there most recently in 2006. The cities he will be in are: New York (July 8-11), Chicago (July 12-19), Houston (July 20-23), Los Angeles (July 24-27) and San Francisco (July 28-August 7).
The third stage of his pastoral trip will take place in Canada. The Prelate will arrive in Vancouver on August 8, and stay there until the 11th. He will also go to Toronto (August 12-14) and Montreal (August 15-19).
Before returning to Rome, the Prelate will spend a few days in Pamplona (August 21-28) and in the Shrine of Torreciudad.