The motu proprio Ad charisma tuendum (14-VII-2022) modified two articles of the Apostolic Constitution Ut Sit, by which the Prelature was erected in 1982, to adapt them to the norms established by the recent Apostolic Constitution Praedicate Evangelium (19-III-2022), on the Roman Curia.
Furthermore, the motu proprio added that the Statutes of Opus Dei "shall be suitably adapted upon the proposal of the Prelature itself, to be approved by the competent bodies of the Apostolic See." For this reason, the Prelate of Opus Dei, Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz, convened an extraordinary general congress in Rome. The Extraordinary General Congress, which began on 12 April, was attended by 126 women and 148 men.
In his homily at the beginning of the Congress, the Prelate commented on the Gospel of the Mass, referring to the way the disciples of Emmaus wanted the Lord to remain with them. Msgr. Ocáriz repeated their request, asking for God’s grace to guide the Congress’s work, so it would be carried out “in full fidelity to the spirit received from St. Josemaría, which necessarily includes union with the Roman Pontiff, the visible principle of the Church’s unity: this holy Church, of which Opus Dei is a part and which — following St. Josemaria’s example — it wishes to serve as the Church wants to be served.”
The work and conclusions of these days will then be presented to the Dicastery for the Clergy, the organism of the Holy See responsible for personal prelatures. Later, the Holy See will communicate the final modifications to the statutes approved by the Pope, who is the legislator in this matter.
For more information, see the page about the Extraordinary General Congress.