Learn to praise the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Learn to have a special devotion to the Blessed Trinity: I believe in God the Father, I believe in God the Son, I believe in God the Holy Spirit; I hope in God the Father, I hope in God the Son, I hope in God the Holy Spirit; I love God the Father, I love God the Son, I love God the Holy Spirit. I believe in, I hope in and I love the most Holy Trinity.
This devotion is much needed as a supernatural exercise for the soul, expressed by the movement of the heart, although not always in words.
The Forge, 296
God is with you. The Blessed Trinity dwells in your soul in grace.
That is why, in spite of your wretchedness, you can and should keep up a continuous conversation with the Lord.
The Forge, 261
Talking to each of the divine Persons
We started out with the simple and attractive vocal prayers that we learned as children, prayers we want never to abandon. Our prayer, which began so child-like and ingenuous, now opens out into a broad, smooth-flowing stream, for it follows the course of friendship with him who said: ‘I am the way.’ If we so love Christ, if with divine daring we take refuge in the wound opened in his side by the lance, then the Master’s promise will find fulfilment: ‘Whoever loves me, keeps my commandments, and my Father will love him and we will come to him and make our dwelling in him.’
Our heart now needs to distinguish and adore each one of the divine Persons. The soul is, as it were, making a discovery in the supernatural life, like a little child opening his eyes to the world about him. The soul spends time lovingly with the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and readily submits to the work of the life-giving Paraclete, who gives himself to us with no merit on our part, bestowing his gifts and the supernatural virtues!
Friends of God, 306
God our Father
Children... How they seek to behave worthily in the presence of their parents.
And the children of kings, in the presence of their father the king, how they seek to uphold the royal dignity!
And you? — Don’t you realize that you are always in the presence of the great King, God, your Father?
The Way, 265
Jesus Christ
Jesus is the way, the mediator. In him are all things; outside of him is nothing. In Christ, taught by him, we dare to call God our Father — he is the Almighty who created heaven and earth, and he is a loving Father who waits for us to come back to him again and again, as the story of the prodigal son repeats itself in our lives.
Christ is Passing By, 91
The Holy Spirit
Get to know the Holy Spirit, the great Stranger, on whom depends your sanctification.
Don’t forget that you are God’s temple. The Advocate is in the centre of your soul: listen to him and be docile to his inspirations.
The Way, 57
Don’t confine yourself to speaking to the Paraclete. Listen to him as well.
When you pray, consider how the life of childhood which enabled you to realise more deeply that you are a son of God filled you with a filial love for the Father. Think how, before that, you have gone through Mary to Jesus, whom you adore as his friend, as his brother, as his lover, for that is what you are.
After receiving this advice you realised that until now you had known that the Holy Spirit was dwelling in your soul, to sanctify it. But you hadn’t really grasped this truth about his presence. You needed that advice. Now you feel his Love within you, and you want to talk to him, to be his friend, to confide in him. You want to facilitate his work of polishing, uprooting, and enkindling.
I wouldn’t know how to set about it, you thought. Listen to him, I insist. He will give you strength. He will do everything, if you so want. And you do want!
Pray to him: Divine Guest, Master, Light, Guide, Love, may I make you truly welcome inside me and listen to the lessons you teach me. Make me burn with eagerness for you, make me follow you and love you.
The Forge, 430
Our Lady
Talk to the Three Persons, to God the Father, to God the Son, to God the Holy Spirit. And so as to reach the Blessed Trinity, go through Mary.
The Forge, 543
How people like to be reminded of their relationship with distinguished figures in literature, in politics, in the army, in the Church!... Sing to the Immaculate Virgin, reminding her: Hail Mary, daughter of God the Father: Hail Mary, Mother of God the Son: Hail Mary, Spouse of God the Holy Spirit...
Greater than you, none but God!
The Way, 496