Our specific mission is not to carry out particular apostolic works, but to stimulate men and women of all social conditions to promote works of every kind, to sanctify their own lives as a way of bearing witness to the universal truths in the Gospel. We have centers in more than 70 countries, most recently South Africa, Kazakhstan, and Lebanon. Everywhere the faithful of the Prelature try to live as sincere Christians who carry out—as our Founder put it—an intense apostolate of friendship and confidence in their own family and professional environment. Besides that, some of them try to meet the needs of their local community, always in cooperation with others, often non-Catholics, by promoting service projects in education, health, etc. It’s no mystery why the Founder began his own apostolate in Madrid among the poor and infirm.
Seventy-five Years of Opus Dei
Almost 75 years from its foundation, what is the root of the Work’s vitality?

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