September Recollection Kit (2024)

A recollection is a “mini-retreat,” a few hours of quiet prayer when we look at our lives in God's presence. This guide can help us spend an hour or two in loving conversation with God, right where we are.

A monthly recollection is a chance to step back from the whirlwind of daily tasks for a few hours of quiet prayer spent looking at God, the world, and ourselves. It is not always easy to find time to pray, but it is always worthwhile.

The best way to enjoy this recollection is to find a time that you can commit to spending with our Lord, and a calm place—free of distractions—where you can pray. Set aside other tasks, switch your phone to “do not disturb,” and grab a notebook. It is a good idea to make note of resolutions and ideas throughout the recollection, but the most important thing is to put yourself in front of our Lord, to look at Him and to let Him look at you.

I. Introduction

II. Meditation: Using All Our Time for Love (30 minutes)

III. Spiritual Reading (10-15 minutes)

IV. Holy Rosary (20 minutes)

V. Examination of Conscience (5-10 minutes)

VI. Meditation: When Prayer Finds Us (30 minutes)


The encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well is a reflection of the infinite tenderness with which Jesus approaches each one of us, even when we feel distant or unworthy. Jesus does not ask; instead, He offers a much greater and unexpected gift: the living water of his Word, which quenches our spiritual thirst and reveals to us the love of God. The story of Zacchaeus is another example of how Jesus transforms our lives. This man, who seemed to have everything he needed, at least materially, discovered that his true wealth lay in welcoming the Lord into his life. "I must stay at your house today," Jesus tells him, and that encounter transforms him, leading him to give up his possessions and make amends with those he had wronged.

The story of Zacchaeus also teaches us the importance of poverty and detachment in following Jesus. Personal sobriety in spending and identifying unnecessary desires are concrete aspects of Christian poverty that we are all called to live. This sobriety is not so much about giving up good things but about finding a path to a fuller and more joyful life, where true wealth is found in the love of God and in giving ourselves to others. Fostering a family lifestyle that is both simple and joyful is a powerful testimony that there is a part of our lives that no earthly wealth can fill — only God.

These two encounters encourage us to let Jesus enter our lives. He opens us up to a deeper and richer reality, where true happiness and fulfillment are found in a relationship with Him and in loving others.


Jesus asks us to give Him all our time and resources for love. Listen to this meditation on the parable of the wise and foolish virgins here:

The most important part of the meditation is your personal conversation with our Lord. You can use the priest's prayer to inspire your own.

This meditation is part of the podcast "Blessed Meditations." You can subscribe on SoundCloud or Spotify.


“You write,” says St. Josemaria in The Way, no. 117: “'In my spiritual reading I build up a store of fuel. It looks like a lifeless heap, but I often find that my memory, of its own accord, will draw from it material which fills my prayer with life and inflames my thanksgiving after Communion.'”

We suggest spending 10-15 minutes reading Spes non confundit ("Hope does not disappoint"), the bull of indiction of the jubilee of 2025, starting with points 5-6, "A Path of Hope." Afterward, you can spend a few minutes with the Gospel, reading, for instance, St. Luke's narration of Jesus' encounter with Zacchaeus.


The Holy Rosary is an ancient Christian prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother, asking her to pray for all her children in our time of need. You can find a description of how to pray the Rosary here, and download the Litany of Loreto (traditionally prayed at the end of the Rosary) here.


The questions below can help us consider in the presence of God how we’ve responded to His love in our acts and omissions. It may help to begin by invoking the Holy Spirit and to end with an act of contrition, expressing our sorrow for our sins and imploring God’s grace to return and remain close to Him. The act of contrition can be any we like, including one as simple as Peter’s words to Jesus after the Resurrection: “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you (Jn 21:17).

1. "Jesus, weary from his journey, sat down at the well... A woman from Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, 'Give me a drink'" (Jn 4:6-7). Am I aware that Jesus is also on my journey "making himself available" to meet me, to quench my thirst (Christ is Passing By, no. 156)? Do I know that he is at my side, in my family, in my work, and in my moments of rest, both when I am alone and when I am with others?

2. The Samaritan woman said to Jesus, "Lord, give me some of this water, so that I may not thirst or have to come all this way to draw it" (Jn 4:15). How do I nourish myself with the living water of his Word, with the desire to know him better each day so as to love him more? As I read and listen to the Gospel, do I try to discover what God wants to tell me?

3. "If you knew the gift of God..." (Jn 4:10). Am I eager to accompany my friends towards a personal encounter with Christ? In what way do I follow the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to open out "like a fan to reach all souls" (Furrow, no. 193)?

4. Does contemplating Jesus' gentleness with the Samaritan woman lead me to foster affection for my loved ones and to have an attitude of respect and understanding toward them? How do I fill my heart with good desires, sentiments and feelings in order to cultivate this love and guard it in moments of difficulty, temptation or doubt?

5. "Zacchaeus, come down quickly, for today I must stay at your house" (Lk 19:5). Do I want to welcome God into my family life? Do I try to live a Christian lifestyle (with charity, justice, poverty, magnanimity, etc.) in my home?

6. "Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor, and if I have defrauded anyone of anything I give back four times as much" (Lk 19:8). Am I generous in giving who I am and what I have to serve of others? How do I encourage this generosity in my children from the time they are young?

7. Do I try to thank God for opportunities to contribute my talents, time, money, etc. to care for others? Do I actively seek to detach myself from that which prevents me from following the Lord with freedom?


Jesus had many people calling for his time and attention, and before and after attending to their requests, He drew apart to pray. How can we learn from our Lord's prayer? Listen to this meditation here:

The most important part of the meditation is your personal conversation with our Lord. You can use the priest’s prayer to inspire your own.

This meditation is part of the podcast "Blessed Meditations." You can subscribe on SoundCloud or Spotify.