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First thing in the morning, my head isn’t yet full of worries and responsibilities, and I want to take this time to remember that the world is yours, Lord. Help me forget about my plans for a few minutes and focus on you.

How many Masses are going to be celebrated around the world today, Lord? At Mass you give yourself for the world, and I want to give myself with you. Let me send you everything I have ahead of me in the day now, so it’s waiting on the altar when Mass begins…

If I can’t make it to Mass today, I’ll send my guardian angel to carry my offering to the nearest Mass. I want you to take everything: my energy and personality, the things I have to do and the things that are going to happen to me, my thoughts and feelings and decisions, the things I’m going to see, touch, taste, smell, and hear… Everything. You gave your life for me and I want to give mine to you.

Now I want to tell you about my plans for the day…

Will you help me invest my time and energy and care today? The most important thing in my day today might be something completely different from what I expect. That’s why I’m offering everything to you already now. When I fall or things outside my control go wrong, will you help me see them with your eyes?

Praying about all of these things helps me remember that you’re with me all the time, no matter who I’m with or what I’m doing, when I’m working on something serious or daydreaming about something silly. I want to entrust all the thoughts and things and people I’ll come across today to you, Lord.

Thank you for the gift of this day. I’m giving it back to you now.