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Today I want to tell you about myself. You might laugh at that, because you know me better than I know myself. But let me tell you how I see myself. If I were introducing myself to you for the first time, I’d say…

I have big dreams, Lord. I’ve told you who I am, but this is who I want to be…

Don’t let me forget that you love me no matter how I succeed or fail, whatever my strengths and weaknesses. You made me and you love me as I am.

Your plans for me are even bigger than mine. What do you think of the things I want to do? Will you help me reshape my dreams if they go against yours? Is there anything you want me to let go of now? What do you want me to do first?

Not all of my plans are exciting. What makes me nervous is… I want to let you take care of that worry while I’m praying, but it’s not easy to let go. Why does it worry me so much? Will you help me face it, Lord?

I want to forget about myself for a minute before I end my prayer. I don’t need to worry about my strengths and weaknesses and plans and challenges because I know that you are good and you love me. You’re always nearby, taking care of me.

Praying about all these things helps me give them back to you. My personality, dreams, and skills are gifts from you, and whatever I do with them, I want to do for you. Is that how I normally live my life, Lord? Please help me make all my plans with you.