"Many Hungarians Are Waiting for You to Bring Christ to Them"

Opus Dei’s apostolic activity in Hungary began in 1990. We offer a few stories from the Prelate’s recent visit to Budapest.

Since 1990 many Hungarians have come to grasp more fully what it means to sanctify ordinary life. This is true of the university students who live in the Orbánhegy and Fenyvesliget residences in Budapest. The Prelate of Opus Dei visited the first of these at the end of February. He told the students: "Many people in this country are waiting for you to bring Christ to them. That is true friendship!"

In the second residence, the students received him in traditional attire and sang popular songs. "Jesus was once young, just like you are," he said. "When you are studying or working, when you are playing sports or having a good time, ask yourselves: ‘Would Jesus have done things this way?’"

Some of the Fenyvesliget residents sang a popular song for the Prelate.

The Prelate advised the young women who take part in the means of Christian formation offered by the residence to try to harmonize their professional and family life "with great peace, in the presence of God, doing things as perfectly as possibly so as to convert them into prayer."

A number of Hungarian diocesan priests have also been helped by the spirit St. Josemaría preached. Bishop Echevarría met with one group and advised them "to be very faithful to the Bishop, to be friends with their brothers in the priesthood—in first place, those who are alone or sick—and to pray a lot for everyone, especially the Pope."

With a faimly in Budapest.

The Prelate went to pray in the church of St. Anne (Belvárosi Szent Anna Templom), which the Bishop has entrusted to priests of the Prelature.

It was Bishop Echevarría’s third visit to the faithful and friends of Opus Dei in Budapest. He had previously been there in 1995 and 2005.