My dear children: may Jesus watch over my daughters and sons for me!
Just a few words, on this occasion, to ask you once again to pray a lot for so many intentions: peace in the Holy Land, in Ukraine and Russia, and in other places where peace is needed, about which there is usually less news. May the grace of the Jubilee Year lead all humanity to pass through the Holy Door, which is Christ. He is our peace and our hope.
Let us continue to pray frequently for the revision of the Statutes of the Work. Although the end and the final result of this work doesn’t depend on us but on the Holy See, it seems likely to me that it will be concluded within this year.
This year also opens with the prospect of the ordinary General Congress of the Work, which will take place between the last days of April and the beginning of May. Besides examining in depth the proposal for changes to the Statutes, it will also be an opportunity to study the conclusions of the Regional Assemblies, which have taken place in all the territorial circumscriptions of the Work. It is encouraging to see the desires for fidelity and apostolate that these conclusions contain.
Naturally, the Pope and the entire Church are always present in our prayers. And today, as the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity comes to an end, we wish to pray especially for this unity, of which union with the Successor of Peter is an essential element.
I bring each and every one of you daily to Holy Mass and to my prayer. All your intentions, your joys and your sorrows, are always there.
Your Father blesses you with all his affection.

Rome, January 25, 2025