Number of articles: 2273

Ordination homily of the Prelate of Opus Dei

"Be instruments of unity.... Bring many souls closer to God." The homily of Bishop Javier Echevarría at the ordination of 42 new priests in Rome on May 21, 2005.

From the Prelate

Interview with Anthony Babafemi Ogunsaya

Anthony was born in Lagos, Nigeria 33 years ago. While studying at St. Gregory School, classmates “awakened my interest in the Catholic faith.” One thing led to another, and he was ordained to the priesthood by the Prelate of Opus Dei on May 21 in Rome at the Basilica of St. Eugene. Here is his story.

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Opus Dei Prelate to ordain 42 priests

Bishop Javier Echevarría will ordain 42 new priests from 13 countries in the Basilica of St. Eugene on May 21.

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Benedict XVI, a Pope for the Future

The new Pope smiled and his prayer could be seen in his eyes. His name had been Ratzinger, a cardinal who symbolically died in this Conclave and was changed into the first Pope of the Third Millennium.

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Like Jesus, I will be a shepherd, like Peter, a fisher of men

VATICAN CITY, APR 24, 2005 (VIS) - Given below is the text of the homily - published in English, French, Spanish, Italian and German - delivered by the Pope during the Mass for the inauguration of his pontificate.

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Pope Benedict XVI on St. Josemaria Escriva

"Letting God Work": An article by then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, published on the occasion of the canonization of Josemaría Escrivá.

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Statement of the Prelate of Opus Dei on the Election of the New Pope

"Today is a moment of great joy" declared Bishop Javier Echevarría, Prelate of Opus Dei, when learning of the election of Pope Benedict XVI.

From the Prelate

Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger has been chosen as Supreme Pontiff, 264th successor of Peter, taking the name of Benedict XVI.

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The saints are not heroes, but friends of God

Cardinal Ratzinger, Vatican Prefect for Faith, Presents Book on Opus Dei Founder. reports.

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"From God I invoke unity and peace for the human family"

Homily of the new Holy Father, delivered to the cardinals at his first Mass after becoming Pope.

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