Number of articles: 2273

Bishop Echevarría's Golden Anniversary as a Priest

On August 7, the Opus Dei Prelate observed the 50th anniversary of his priestly ordination. He was ordained in Madrid with other members of Opus Dei in 1955. The anniversary is to be publicly celebrated in September. The following passages are taken from Bishop Echevarría's book, "Para Servir a la Iglesia"

From the Prelate

The Prelate, An Old Friend

Melina and Pascal Oudot are “teacher-researchers” in the Faculty of Law at Dijon. She is a member of Opus Dei, he is not.

Personal testimonies

“The teaching of Josemaría Escrivá is inherently ecumenical”

Evgeni Pazukhin of St. Petersburg, Russia, is a philosopher and author. He has written the first biography of St. Josemaría Escrivá in Russian.

Personal testimonies

Iroto, a rural development center for women in Nigeria

Iroto Rural Development Centre was started at the beginning of 1986.

Social initiatives

A small business training program in Kenya

The TOT (Training of Trainers) Project began in 2003. University students from Fanusi Study Centre, a corporate apostolic work of Opus Dei, are trained to train rural women to start and run their own micro businesses.

Social initiatives

The most important "business": the children

An article written by the Prelate on the 30th anniversary of St. Josemaría's death.

From the Prelate

The stuff of martyrs: death shed new light on the life of a remarkable priest

On January 9, Opus Dei celebrates the birthday of its founder. In some places members also remember Fr. Sal Ferigle, who died on January 9, 1997. Fr. Sal started Opus Dei's work in the United States in 1949, and helped start things off in Japan in 1958 and in Australia in 1963. We now re-print an article about him from Catholic World Report.

Recent News

"The priest is just an instrument"

Fr. Javier del Castillo was ordained in Rome on May 21, 2005.

Recent News

The Feast of Corpus Christi in Rome

At 7 p.m. today, Solemnity of Corpus Christi, Benedict XVI celebrated Mass on the square in front of the basilica of St. John Lateran, then led a Eucharistic procession to the basilica of St. Mary Major.

Recent News

New Priests in the Eucharistic Year

Bishop Javier Echevarría ordained 42 new priests for the Prelature of Opus Dei in the Basilica of St. Eugene in Rome on May 21. The new priests come from Nigeria, the United States, the Philippines, and various European and Latin American countries.

Recent News