Pope Francis: e-books

This page contains free digital versions of the encyclicals Fratelli tutti, Laudato si’, and Lumen Fidei, as well as many of Pope Francis's apostolic exhortations and catechetical cycles.

Photo by Nacho Arteaga on Unsplash

"Here is the message for us: we do not have to wait until we are perfect and have come a long way following Jesus to bear witness to him, no. Our proclamation begins today, there where we live. And it does not begin by trying to convince others, not to convince: but by bearing witness every day to the beauty of the Love that has looked upon us and lifted us up. And it is this beauty, communicating this beauty, that will convince people — not communicating ourselves but the Lord himself. We are the ones who proclaim the Lord. We do not proclaim ourselves, we do not proclaim a political party, an ideology. No: we proclaim Jesus. We need to put Jesus in contact with the people, without convincing them but allowing the Lord to do the convincing" (Pope Francis, Audience, 11 January 2023).

The following is a list of digital versions of Pope Francis' encyclicals, apostolic exhortations, and catechetical cycles published by the Information Office of Opus Dei. Many are in e-book format and include links to download them for free. They are separated into categories and listed in chronological order.


Fratelli tutti ("All Brothers") (2020)

Laudato si’ ("Praise Be to You") (2016)

Lumen Fidei ("The Light of Faith") (2013)

Apostolic exhortations

Christus Vivit ("Christ is Alive!") (2019)

Gaudete et Exsultate ("Rejoice and Be Glad") (2018)

Amoris Laetitia ("The Joy of Love") (2016)

Evangelii Gaudium ("The Joy of the Gospel") (2013)

Apostolic letters

Patris Corde ("With a Father's Heart") (2020)

Samaritanus Bonus ("The Good Samaritan") (2020)

Misericordia et Misera ("Mercy and Misery") (2016)

Catechetical cycles (partial list)

On apostolic zeal (ongoing)

On discernment (2022)

On old age (2022)

On St Joseph (2021-2022)

On the Letter to the Galatians (2021)

On Christian prayer (2020-2021)

On the Church's social teaching (2020)

On the Mass (2017-2018)

On hope (2017)

On the family: volumes 1, 2, and 3 (2015)