“Serenity. Why lose your temper?”
Serenity. Why lose your temper if by doing so you offend God, annoy other people, upset yourself... and have to find it again in the end? (The Way, 8)
“We will serve everyone”
When a person really lives charity, there is no time left for self seeking. There is no room left for pride. We will not find occasion for anything but service! (The Forge, 683)
“To love one another, to help one another”
How very insistent the Apostle Saint John was in preaching the mandatum novum, the new commandment that we should love one another. I would fall on my knees, without putting on any act but this is what my heart dictates and ask you, for the love of God, to love one another, to help one another, to lend one another a hand, to know how to forgive one another. And so, reject all pride, be compassionate, show charity; help each other with prayer and sincere friendship. (The Forge, 454)
“Exercise care in little things”
Care in little things requires constant mortification. It is a way to make life more agreeable for others. (Furrow, 991)
“To love means to renew our dedication every day, with loving deeds of service”
"These days'', you were saying, "have been the happiest in my life.'' And I answered you without hesitation: that is because you have lived with a little more self-giving than usual. (Furrow, 7)
“You will fill the world with charity”
You must not destroy the souls of your fellow human beings through your neglect or your bad example. In spite of your passions, you have a responsibility for the Christian life of your neighbour, for the spiritual effectiveness of everyone, indeed for their very sanctity. (The Forge, 955)
“You have to live in harmony with your fellow men and understand them”
You have to live in harmony with your fellow men and understand them as a brother would. As the Spanish mystic says, you have to put love where there is no love to obtain love. (The Forge, 457)
“We are all brothers”
The Apostle wrote that "there is no more Gentile and Jew, no more circumcised and uncircumcised; no one is barbarian or Scythian, no one is a slave or a free man; there is nothing but Christ in any of us." Those words are as valid today as they were then. Before the Lord there is no difference of nation, race, class, state ... Each one of us has been born in Christ to be a new creature, a son of God. We are all brothers, and we have to behave fraternally towards one another. (Furrow, 317)
“Our Lord wants us to be glad!”
Acquire the habit of speaking about everyone and about everything they do in a friendly manner, especially when you are speaking of those who labor in God's service. Whenever that is not possible, keep quiet. Sharp or irritated comment may border on gossip or slander. (Furrow, 902)
“Serve Our Lord and your fellow men”
Every activity - be it of great human importance or not - must become for you a means to serve Our Lord and your fellow men. That is the true measure of its importance. (The Forge, 684)