“Place Christ once again among the poor”
The mass of people have been going off down "the road of a justified discontentment" and continue to do so. It hurts... but, how many we have caused to be disaffected among those who are spiritually or materially in need! We need to place Christ once again among the poor and the humble: it is precisely with them that he prefers to be! (Furrow, 228)
“When you have to correct, you should do so with charity”
You will only be good if you know how to see the good points and the virtues of the others. That is why when you have to correct, you should do so with charity, at the opportune moment, without humiliating. And being ready yourself to learn and to improve in the very faults you are correcting. (The Forge, 455)
“Don't neglect the practice of fraternal correction”
Don't neglect the practice of fraternal correction, which is a clear sign of the supernatural virtue of charity. You may find it hard, for it's easier to be inhibited. It's easier to behave that way, but it's not supernatural. And you will have to render an account to God for such omissions. (The Forge, 146)
“Practice charity without setting any limits”
Love and practice charity without setting any limits or discriminating between people, for it is the virtue which marks us out as disciples of the Master. Nevertheless, this charity cannot lead you to dampen your faith -- for it would then cease to be a virtue. Nor should it blur the clear outlines that define the faith, nor soften it to the point of changing it, as some people try to do, into something amorphous and lacking the strength and power of God. (The Forge, 456)
“Learn how to do good”
When you are with someone, you have to see a soul: a soul who has to be helped, who has to be understood, with whom you have to live in harmony, and who has to be saved. (The Forge, 573)
“We must also love our enemies”
We are not good brothers to our fellow men if we are not ready to continue behaving correctly, even when those around us may interpret our actions badly or react in an unpleasant manner. (The Forge, 460)
“I really wish we Christians knew how to serve”
When I speak to you of good example, I mean to tell you, too, that you have to understand and excuse, that you have to fill the world with peace and love. (The Forge, 560)
“Carry each other's troubles”
Our Lord says: 'I give you a new commandment: Love one another. By this love everyone will know that you are my disciples'. And Saint Paul: 'Carry each other's troubles and you fulfill the law of Christ'. I have nothing to add. (The Way, 385)
"The only possible measure is to love without measure"
You fulfill a demanding plan of life: you rise early, you pray, you frequent the sacraments, you work or study a lot, you are sober and mortified, but you are aware that something is missing.
“Love everyone: understanding, excusing, forgiving all”
Loving souls for God's sake will make us love everyone: understanding, excusing, forgiving all. We should have a love that can cover the multitude of failings contrived by human wretchedness. We have to have a wonderful charity, veritatem facientes in caritate, defending the truth, without hurting anyone. (The Forge, 559)