"Serving means growing and helping others grow"
Isabel Sánchez is Secretary of the Central Advisory, a council made up of women who advise the Prelate of Opus Dei. In this interview she speaks about her recent book "Northbound Women: Compasses for a Complicated World"
"If feminism means equal rights, I am extremely feminist"
Interview with Isabel Sanchez, Secretary of the Central Advisory of Opus Dei, in ‘El Mundo’, Spain's second most-read daily newspaper.
"Saint Josemaria saw government as a service to people"
An interview with Marlies Kücking, who has worked for over 50 years in Opus Dei's central government in Rome.
Prelate of Opus Dei Names Central Advisory
Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, the new Prelate of Opus Dei, has named the members of the Central Advisory that, together with the general Council, assists in the pastoral government of the prelature
“Saint Josemaria's charism is a treasure that can beautify the world”
Isabel Sánchez is the central Secretary of the Advisory, the women's council that assists the Prelate in governing the Prelature. In this interview she describes the elective process that concludes with the naming of a new Prelate.
Memories of Bishop Javier Echevarría
Nicola Waite, a member of Opus Dei's Central Advisory in Rome, shares some memories of her time working with Bishop Javier Echevarria. "You could see as he talked that he was in constant conversation with God – you felt like he was talking to God, and encouraged you to do the same. And as somebody who was new to this whole world of the Catholic faith, that was very attractive. It was something that I felt...I want that!"