Number of articles: 35

How is it possible that it requires a specific vocation to be a member of a prelature?

Naturally this vocational requirement is not essential to personal prelatures, which could be based on very diverse circumstances, usually linked to social bonds among its faithful.

Personal prelature

Upon whom does the prelate of Opus Dei depend? Who appoints him?

The prelate of Opus Dei and the prelature itself depend on the Holy See: on the Roman Pontiff and the Congregation for the Clergy.

Personal prelature

Conference in Rome for 25th anniversary of the Personal Prelature

Cardinal Ruini, the Vicar of the diocese of Rome, and Bishop Javier Echevarria, Opus Dei's Prelate, were among the speakers. The conference was held at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (VIDEO: 2’37’’).

Personal prelature

What is the relationship between Opus Dei and the local Church?

Personal prelature

What are the relations between Opus Dei and other Church institutions?

Personal prelature