Number of articles: 90

"The Power of Humility"

Alvaro del Portillo was born on March 11, 1914. For the centennial of his birth, the Catholic Truth Society in London has published a brief biography by Helena Scott and Ethel Tolansky entitled "The Power of Humility."


Praying with Alvaro del Portillo

For Alvaro del Portillo’s centennial year and his upcoming beatification on September 27, texts of his related to the liturgical seasons and important feasts will be offered here. The first is entitled “Lent and apostolate.”


"We should ask Alvaro del Portillo to make us humble"

In this Rome Reports video, Bishop Javier Echevarría speaks about working alongside Alvaro del Portillo for over 40 years, and the virtues we can learn from his life of self-giving.


Scott Hahn about Bishop Alvaro del Portillo

Scott Hahn talks about Bishop Alvaro del Portillo, the Statue of Liberty, and the joy of the faith. Bishop del Portillo is the first successor to Opus Dei's founder, Saint Josemaria Escriva, and was declared "Venerable" by Pope Benedict XVI in 2012.


Alvaro del Portillo to be beatified in Madrid on September 27, 2014

The program for the beatification includes key events in Madrid and Rome. The beatification ceremony in Madrid will be presided over by the Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, Cardinal Angelo Amato.


Beatification of Alvaro del Portillo in Madrid

A Rome Reports video on the upcoming beatification of Alvaro del Portillo in Madrid on September 27, 2014.


Letter from the Prelate on the Beatification

With the announcement of the date and place for Alvaro del Portillo's beatification, the Prelate of Opus Dei has written a brief letter.


Alvaro del Portillo in Facebook, Twitter and Smartphone app

Daily posts on Alvaro del Portillo’s life story and pastoral message can now be received through Twitter and Facebook. A smartphone app is also available.


Information about Bishop Alvaro del Portillo

Information about Bishop Alvaro del Portillo's life and cause of canonization.


Bibliography and documents

Articles and books by and about Alvaro del Portillo in English and other sources of information about his life, with links to those available online.
