Women of Opus Dei: In Their Own Words , published by Crossroad (2009), is an in-depth look at the experience of women in the Prelature of Opus Dei. The 24 chapters present a wide variety of first-person accounts and interviews. Chapter titles include: "What Happened? From Atheistic Radical Feminist to Stay-at-Home Catholic Mom," "Intellectual Humility: By a Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry," and "The Story of a Founder of the U.S. Hospice Movement."
From the back cover:
"Each story and interview explores facets of Opus Dei unfamiliar—and surprising—to many.
"Whether single or married, cradle Catholic or convert, and whatever their calling in life, the women describe their first encounters with Opus Dei, what made them decide to join, and how membership has transformed their daily lives, as they develop their skills and talents to the fullest...."
"I loved these women! From changing diapers, to Harvard medical internships, to the top of a Tibetan mountain, they have discovered a path that will inspire any woman who longs for a deeper way to deal with her days" (Delia Gallagher, Vatican analyst and former CNN Faith and Values correspondent).
Amazon.com also has some very positive reviews.