"Stuff"– An Open Conversation

"Stuff" is a conversation with seven couples from a variety of countries and backgrounds, but with a single shared concern: that their children form healthy relationships with material goods and learn how to use them responsibly.

The project was born and the interviews carried out before COVID-19 entered our lives. The worldwide effects of the pandemic (including its economic consequences), the publication of the encyclicalFratelli tutti, and the announcement of the upcoming Year of the Family present us with a unique opportunity to respond to the Pope’s call to be “builders of a new social bond,” aware that “the existence of each and every individual is deeply tied to that of others: life is not simply time that passes; life is a time for interactions” (cfr. Fratelli tutti, n. 66).


Beginning with what they learned as children and their dreams for the future, these couples reflect on the love for the common good and sustainable lifestyle they try to teach their children. They want to help them enjoy what they have and remain hopeful, even in times of difficulty or economic scarcity. This Lent may provide a useful frame for this reflection.

The short video is at the top of this article. Below, find the complete version of the documentary, a downloadable conversation guide, and a flyer to share with friends.

Watch the complete video: