1. Page about Benedict XVI from the Vatican, with the entire Magisterium of his pontificate
2. Msgr. Ocáriz: "Let us thank God for Benedict XVI, a humble worker in the Lord's vineyard"
The Prelate of Opus Dei collaborated with Cardinal Ratzinger since he was appointed consultor to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in 1986. In this article, Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz recalls the figure of the late Pope Emeritus.
3. Benedict XVI’s encyclical letters:
4. "We have lived an adventure together,” Benedict XVI told young people during the World Youth Day in Madrid 2011, after a heavy storm fell during the vigil. His pontificate was a great adventure, for which we give thanks with this simple tribute:
5. The World’s Longest Applause: More than 400 videos totaling over 180 minutes of applause from all over the world as a token of affection for Benedict XVI.
A version of this article was first published in March 2013.