At the beginning, Monsignor Ocaríz spoke briefly about Guadalupe, of her joy and the need to thank God. He encouraged those present to understand what happened in the morning as a call: "Holiness is not a utopia. It is within everyone's reach,with the grace of God. "
And suddenly, a magician takes the microphone. Santiago de la Puente González-Aller is the magician "Numis" and today he is before his largest audience ever, entertaining this inter-generational, global and festive meeting organized to celebrate the beatification of Guadalupe.
Joy and friendship
The MCs of the event pass the microphone to Luis Cruz, priest and great-nephew of Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri and grandson of Eduardo Ortiz de Landázuri. When he thinks of Guadalupe, it's "her unforgettable smile", her exciting relationship with God, her drive, her broad horizons and all the women was close to throughout her life, through her capacity for friendship ... At least that's how they remember her in our house. He says that the whole family of Guadalupe is living these days with a special joy, as one would imagine.
"Guadalupe," says Luis, "was a woman with many friends who she cared for. She encouraged you to dream and to fill your heart with dreams. It was herway of reflecting God's life within her." Luis then asked the Prelate about the connection between friendship and "being apostles" to which Monsignor Ocáriz responded: "Authentic friendship is true apostolate: it's an expression of our desire for the others' good."
Then we made our way to Africa, specifically Nigeria. Anjelica made reference to Guadalupe's interest in social development. She praised Harambee's initiative to fund one hundred scholarships for African women scientists over the next ten years on the occasion of the beatification. She asked, "How can we who have resources live our lives keeping more in mind those who do not?" Monsignor Ocáriz spoke about the virtue of sobriety, a detachment that allows us to think less of ourselves and more in neighbor, through concrete deeds.
Joy and Mexico
Suddenly, a little girl dressed as a cactus appeared on the stage. It was time to connect with Mexico: "Good afternoon, Mexico!" Through a video conference call, Mexico reminds the Father that, in 2020, it will be the 50th anniversary of Saint Josemaría's historic visit to Mexico and his Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe. "No pressure, but it is the golden anniversary, in case you want to come and see us." Strong applause follows.
Before you know it, a band of Mariachis in Mexico is filling the Vistalegre stadium with the old hit "Canta y no llores". The crowd spontaneously took out their cell phone lanterns, waving them to the rhythm of the music: an incredible sight. Madrid and Mexico come together in the world's biggest living room, connected by wifi.
Teresa Navarro, 20 years old, wanted to ask the Father a question. Studying a degree in Gastronomy at the Basque Culinary Center, a few years ago she decided that she would dedicate her life to serving others as an assistant numerary in Opus Dei, and "master chef" for the people in her family. She was drawn to the coherent and happy life of Guadalupe. She asked about what to do when one's initial enthusiasm for something dies down.
The Father tells her that "freedom guides people more than understanding." He proposes love, "which is not a feeling, but a free decision of the will, sometimes accompanied by feeling". The Father ended with the following advice: "Form yourself, study, have clear ideas, and strengthen your freedom" so that through the storms of the world, your ship might arrive to port.
Joy and cross
Teresa Robles and her husband, Íñigo have been married for 21 years. They have seven children, and two of them have disabilities. The youngest one, Josemaría, with Down syndrome and leukemia. It's not easy, but Teresa and her husband demonstrate that accepting reality and overcoming logical difficulties sows positive fruits that they never imagined. Josemaría is the protagonist of an Instagram account called "Put a down in your life" (@ponundownentuvida), with more than 25,000 followers. It is filled with stories of people who used to look down on down syndrome, and who, thanks to the Robles, have started to look at it differently.
The Father looks at them with admiration, and thanks them for their example, integrity, and eagerness to take advantage of a cross to sow joy. He also tells them, "We do not like suffering, but as Christians, we see an opportunity in pain to unite ourselves to the Cross of Christ". Later on, he adds, "You can suffer. You can cry. But you can't be sad. Our faith in God, who wants us to be happy, tells us that this attitude is absurd."
Disfrutar. #BeGolFest
— Opus Dei (España) (@opusdei_es) May 18, 2019
Ana lives in Madrid and was the last to speak. When she read the letters of Guadalupe to St. Josemaría, she was captivated by her naturalness, enthusiasm, courage and happiness. She wants to have that always in her life, and also wants to transmit it authentically to future generations. The Father says, "The joy we feel now must be maintained. There are always reasons, despite the difficulties. God wants us happy. " The get-together finished with the Father blessing the 11,000 in attendance, and the many more watching by live-stream the world over. For sure Guadalupe is laughing from heaven.