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The lives of the saints act as a light that illuminates the path of our lives when night falls. They have travelled the same path as us, and have known how to reach the goal: the Love of God which is in our origin, and which desires to embrace us for all eternity.
In these pages we are going to look at the holy life of St Josemaría Escrivá; in particular, at some of the discoveries he made during his years as a young priest. As many people who knew him pointed out, he was a lover of God who taught many souls “to understand more profoundly the love of God, so that we are able to show that love to other people through what we do and say” (Christ is Passing By, 97). This is the path of the Christian life, which we too wish to undertake.
I. "That First Prayer of a Child of God"
Interlude: “Having the Cross means being identified with Christ”
III. "From the Wound of the right hand"
IV. "Don't speak: listen to him"