Hundreds of people attended the solemn session marking the conclusion of the archdiocesan phase of the beatification and canonization process of the servant of God Marcelo Henrique Câmara, which took place at the Parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Florianópolis (Brazil). The Holy Mass was celebrated at the end of the session in thanksgiving for the work and fruit born of the last few years.
The Archbishop of Florianópolis, Archbishop Wilson Tadeu Jönck, presided over the event. He was assisted by the diocesan postulator, Fr. Vitor Feller, and the postulator of the Roman phase, Paolo Vilotta.

Fr. Fábio Henrique Carvalheiro, the regional vicar of Opus Dei in Brazil, and Fr. Flavio Sampaio de Paiva, who was close to Marcelo, were also present.
Fr. Flávio recalled how Marcelinho taught everyone to be brothers and sisters: "He loved everyone in Emaús, the movement he joined; he loved everyone in the parish where he taught catechesis and served as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. As a supernumerary member of the Work, he loved all the people in this spiritual family. He taught that the charisms in the Church add up and complement each other: we are all brothers and sisters. Holiness will always be a sign of unity in the Church."
Learn more about Marcelo's life on his website (in Portuguese)
Fr. Fábio Carvalheiro highlighted the joyful appeal of Marcelinho’s holy life: "It was evident at Mass, with so many young people present. I receive news of people who venerate him and seek his intercession in many countries beyond Brazil: Japan, Australia, India, South Africa, Kenya, Portugal, Spain, Poland, Germany, United States, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, among others.
"All these people,” the regional vicar of Opus Dei went on, “discover the possibility of seeking holiness in everyday life in Marcelo’s life. This characteristic shines out in his life, in studies, work, concern for the common good, the desire to share faith with friends, sensitivity towards those in need…”

Fr. Fábio also noted how beautiful it was to see the presence of people from various ecclesial realities, celebrating in communion: from the parish, the Charismatic Renewal, Emaús, Opus Dei.... In this sense, he said, "we all welcome with joy Archbishop Wilson Jönck's invitation to spread Marcelinho's holy life, with the conviction of doing great good to the Church.”
He concluded: "When Marcelinho met the Work, he had already walked a beautiful path within the Church: in Emaús, where he experienced his conversion at the age of 19 and dedicated himself to intense apostolate among the youth; in this parish, where he actively participated by teaching catechism to young people and adults. Upon discovering his vocation to seek holiness in his work and daily activities, Marcelinho continued his activities in the parish; his desire for holiness and his apostolic zeal within the Church were reinforced by the message spread by Saint Josemaría and by the spiritual formation and guidance he received in Opus Dei until the end of his life."

Some of Marcelo’s former colleagues were also present at the ceremony, including the Attorney General of Justice, Fábio de Souza Trajano, the Prosecutor of Justice André Ghiggi Caetano da Silva, the Prosecutor of Justice Márcia Aguiar Arend, the Prosecutor of Justice Marina Modesto Rebelo (State Coordinator of GEAC). They were enthusiastic about the possibility that Câmara could become the first Promoter of Justice to be canonized.
Prosecutor of Justice Márcia Arend reflected that "it is a privilege to witness the closure of the diocesan phase of beatification of a member of the public ministry of Santa Catarina." Marcelo's example of seeking holiness in his work continues to be an inspiration for colleagues, even those who do not share his faith.