Download Newsletter no. 9 here.
Blessed Alvaro never ceased to insist on the need to extend the apostolic work, especially following the suggestions of St John Paul II on the re-Christianisation of Europe. In a pastoral letter in December 1985 to the faithful of Opus Dei, he urged: "Study what is most suitable to be done in each country where you are, the most urgent initiatives, the fields which should have priority in this task of evangelisation. And get everyone in contact with the Work – Cooperators, St Raphael people, relatives and friends – to play a real part in this work, since so many areas need attention."
“The recipe is the same as ever, my daughters and sons: more interior life, more personal apostolate! But don’t assume then that we know it all already. We need more apostolic vibration – much more! – more commitment to souls, more openings for meeting people. Each one of you must seek enlightenment from the Holy Spirit in prayer and spiritual guidance,"
This Newsletter highlights his untiring efforts to drive the new evangelisation, visiting 42 countries, meeting thousands of people of different cultural and social backgrounds, and promoting educational and social initiatives.