Number of articles: 4704

Cardinal Ruini addresses Escriva Congress

Escriva's Message Is a Service to the Universal Church and All Particular Churches.

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The meaning of the university

All human work, whether manual or intellectual, can be converted into a place to meet God and to serve others. Work in the university, when carried out with professional competence, is a source of harmony and solidarity among peoples.

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International congress on Blessed Josemaria Escriva opens

Prelate of Opus Dei says that holiness is not for the few.

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Giving Oneself in Family Life

"Through the teachings of the Founder of Opus Dei, I have grasped an important idea: we can only be really useful to others if we have self-discipline, control over our actions and reactions; in other words, if we are acquiring human virtues."


Insights to the impossible mission for the Christian

All Christians are made one body with Christ through Baptism and participate in his redemptive mission. Each and every one therefore must actively work to pass on to all men and women the gospel Jesus preached.

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In Love with the Church

The core of this book is three homilies on themes related to the Church, given in 1972-73, when the author suffered much over the confusion of the post-conciliar years


Testimony of Dr. Manuel Nevado

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Consuelo Nevado, wife of Dr. Nevado

His hands are now completely cured. He attributes the cure of his hands from chronic radiodermatitis to the petition he made to Blessed Josemaria.

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Luis Eugenio Barnardo

Wanting to help, I gave him a prayer-card of Monsignor Josemaria Escriva, the Founder of Opus Dei. I suggested he could seek his protection and ask for the favor of his hands being cured.

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Interview with Sr. Carmen Esqueta, nurse

I'm obviously surprised that he's operating again, knowing that he had grave radiodermatitis on his hands. I've been told that he's been able to return to full surgical practice because his hands are completely healthy now.

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