Number of articles: 4659

"St Josemaria really does take care of me"

Kathleen McCormick, is a carer, cleaner, grandmother and a Co-operator of Opus Dei. She lives in Glasgow.

Personal testimonies

Jesus of Nazareth, the Pope's path towards Jesus

"Jesus of Nazareth," a book written by Benedict XVI will be on sale in Italian, German, and Polish bookshops from Monday, April 16, which is also the Pope's 80th birthday. The volume, 448 pages long, is to be translated into 20 languages. The English publication date is May 7.

Recent News

Happy Birthday, Pope Benedict

A message from Bishop Javier Echevarría on the 80th birthday of Pope Benedict XVI. The Prelate thanks the Holy Father for "helping us to appreciate the beauty of the Christian life."

From the Prelate

Letter from the Prelate (April 2007)

A letter on Holy Week and the anniversary of the Pope's election, from Bishop Javier Echevarría to the faithful of the Prelature of Opus Dei.

Pastoral Letters and Messages

UNIV 2007

BENEDICT XVI GENERAL AUDIENCE. St Peter's Square. Wednesday, 4 April 2007. And some UNIV photographs.

Recent News

Kenya: Training of trainers

In Kenya, university students are trained so that they in turn can train rural women who lack business skills, to engage in income-generating activities, to start and run their own micro businesses.

Social initiatives

Anniversary Mass for Bishop Alvaro del Portillo

A homily given by Opus Dei's Prelate during a Mass celebrated in Rome on the anniversay of the death of St. Josemaria's first succesor. In the homily Bishop Echevarría speaks about the family and about divine filiation.

Recent News

"You party so much yet you don't neglect your religion"

Ekene Ogbechie is a pharmacist by profession, and a former singer in a band. Currently a student on the MBA Programme at Manchester Business School (United Kingdom), she is a Supernumerary member of Opus Dei.

Personal testimonies

Conference in Rome for 25th anniversary of the Personal Prelature

Cardinal Ruini, the Vicar of the diocese of Rome, and Bishop Javier Echevarria, Opus Dei's Prelate, were among the speakers. The conference was held at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (VIDEO: 2’37’’).

Personal prelature

EWTN interview with Bishop Javier Echevarría

Interview (in Spanish) with the Prelate of Opus Dei, offered here courtesy of EWTN.

Recent News