Number of articles: 4659

Divine Filiation

The third video in the series "Finding Christ in the Middle of the World." Australians from all backgrounds speak about the message of Saint Josemaria and its impact on their daily lives.

Personal testimonies

Biography of Fr. Joseph

Fr. Joseph (José Luis Múzquiz de Miguel) was born in 1912 in Badajoz, Spain. He helped St. Josemaria spread Opus Dei to many countries, especially the United States.

Life and Stories

Sanctification of Work

The second video in the series "Finding Christ in the Middle of the World." Australians from all backgrounds speak about the message of Saint Josemaria and its impact on their daily lives.

Personal testimonies

Telegram from the Pope about Alvaro del Portillo

Through his Secretary of State, Pope Francis urges those taking part in the conference on Alvaro del Portillo to imitate his "humble, cheerful, hidden and silent life, a life determined to give testimony to the perennial newness of the Gospel."

From the Church and the Pope

An Introduction to Opus Dei

The first video in the series "Finding Christ in the Middle of the World." Australians from all backgrounds speak about the message of Saint Josemaria and its impact on their daily lives.

Personal testimonies

Baptism and Confession

During a catechetical trip to the Ivory Coast, Bishop Alvaro del Portillo speaks about the sacraments of baptism and confession as expressions of God's mercy.


Priests and the message of Opus Dei

The aim of the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross is to promote the sanctity of the secular clergy according to the spirit and ascetical practice of Opus Dei.

Priestly Society of the Holy Cross

St. Josemaría and Opus Dei: Serving the Church

Priestly Society of the Holy Cross

Praying with Alvaro del Portillo

For Alvaro del Portillo’s centennial year and his upcoming beatification on September 27, texts of his related to the liturgical seasons and important feasts will be offered here. The first is entitled “Lent and apostolate.”


Some Features of the Spirit of Opus Dei

Priestly Society of the Holy Cross