Number of articles: 4657

Holiness for ordinary Christians

"We are all called to be holy by living our lives with love and by being witness in everything we do, wherever we find ourselves."

Recent News

Love & pain: the ionic bond

Guadalupe's second "formula" for holiness is about facing life's difficulties in a way that leads to being closer to God.

Life and Stories

A Heart Enkindled by the Word: Sacred Scripture (II)

Sacred Scripture should take on ever greater importance as we advance along our Christian path, to the point that “we ‘breathe’ with the Gospel, with the Word of God.”

Fostering Interior Life

Working on Trust (9): Dealing with peer pressure

How can we equip our children to handle peer pressure in ways that enable them to bring out the best in themselves? Final video in the series “Working on Trust.”

Personal testimonies

Fleeing War to Find God: The Story of Jerome

Jerome hasn't had it easy in his life. This is how he presents himself: "I was born in the Congo and, since I was a child, my life has been marked by pain." Here is his story.

Personal testimonies

"Why can't I express what I have inside?"

Alanis, a university student in Puerto Rico, talks about how a friend helped her discover the richness of her Catholic faith, and the need to share it with others.

Personal testimonies

Free eBook: Pope Francis in Panama

This book contains the homilies and addresses of Pope Francis in his apostolic journey to Panama for the World Youth Day (23-28 January 2019). It is available in PDF, ePub and Mobi format.

Christian Life

Letters from Saint Josemaria to Guadalupe

On a few occasions, the founder of Opus Dei personally wrote to Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri, showing his closeness and fatherly concern for her well-being.

Life and Stories

"Do You Understand What You Are Reading?": Sacred Scripture (I)

“Through Sacred Scripture, kept alive by the faith of the Church, the Lord continues to speak to his Bride." First part of a two-part article by Guillaume Derville on the importance of a faith-filled reading of Scripture for our interior life.

Fostering Interior Life

"You are a beloved child of God"

"If all our earthly loves were to disintegrate, there is always for all of us, ardent, the unique and faithful love of God." In his February 20 general audience, Pope Francis continued his catechesis on the Lord's prayer.

From the Church and the Pope