Number of articles: 21

Very Human, Very Divine (XI): Then the World Speaks to Us

Temperance in the desire to know enables us to grasp the deepest truth about the world, and become contemplative souls in the middle of the world.

Very Human, Very Divine (X): "I will follow you wherever you go"

The virtue of fortitude enables us to follow Jesus without being subject to changing conditions in our life and environment.

Very Human, Very Divine (IX): Sharing in God’s Way of Looking

Some virtues that can help us to be a contemplative soul in the midst of our ordinary daily activities. A new article in the series on the virtues.

Very Human, Very Divine (VIII): The Battle of Our Formation

We need to cultivate "a healthy curiosity to know our world in depth and overcome the obstacles that prevent us from doing so." A new article in the series on the virtues.

Very Human, Very Divine (VII): Our Work, Divine Leaven​​​​

When we work out of love for God and our fellow men and women, our work becomes "divine leaven" that, united to Christ's sacrifice, helps transform the world. A new article in the series on the virtues.

Very Human, Very Divine (VI): Prudence in Action

“Prudence is the love that well discerns between what helps and hinders us in striving towards God.” A new article in the series on the virtues.

Very Human, Very Divine (V): To Be a True Friend

All genuine friendship involves an effort both to enter the lives of others and to allow them space in our own life. In this fifth article we look at some virtues that make friendship easier for us.

Very Human, Very Divine (IV): We – the “Habitat” of the Virtues

"The bonds we create with others are often the force that nourishes our own personal growth." A new article in the series on the human virtues.

Very Human, Very Divine (III): With Christ's Sentiments

In this third article we delve into the heart of the human virtues: what they are, how they guide our feelings and why they make us freer.

Very Human, Very Divine (II): We Have the Way Within

We are called to bring God's light to the world, "and we have the way within. It is Christ, who wants us to be, like Himself, both very human and very divine."