Number of articles: 5

Building on Rock: The Plan of Life (II)

The road we travel with God involves both times of prosperity and moments of greater difficulty of tiredness. Fidelity to a plan of life is not about "perfect execution," but rather remaining in God's love and finding our rest in Him.

“At home and along the way, when you lie down and when you rise:” The Plan of Life (I)

A spiritual plan of life is not so much a “system” as a deep-rooted interior commitment to a relationship: the relationship of a child with their Father. Editorial in the “Combat, closeness, mission” series.

Another Way of Seeing: Giving Means of Formation

When we give means of formation, we try to look with the gaze of a person for whom Christ is the center of everything. We also try to see through our listeners' eyes, in order to reach their hearts. And we do this with our own perspective and personality, which help us convey an authentic Christian message, true to its original meaning.

A Story from the End of the World

Luis, who lives in Peru, has had to travel to Antarctica several times due to his work. He says that being enclosed there was even more challenging than the quarantine many people have gone through recently.

“Try to commit yourself to a plan of life”

This tying of one's life to a plan, to a timetable, you tell me, is so monotonous! And I answer: there is monotony because there is little Love. (The Way, 77)

Daily Texts