Letter from the Prelate (1 November 2019) | Friendship
Pastoral letter of Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz on the importance of friendship. “By living in friendship with God, which is the first friendship we have to foster and strengthen, you will be able to make many true friends."
Letter from the Prelate (1 October 2019)
As October 2nd approaches, the Prelate invites us to foster optimism and initiative in the divine adventure of bringing Christ to all men and women.
Letter from the Prelate (9 September 2019)
Monsignor Ocáriz encourages us to ask our Lady to teach us to turn suffering into a place where we can find light, peace and joy.
Letter from the Prelate (12 July 2019)
During his pastoral trip through the United States and Canada, Msgr Ocariz recalls the strength of the Communion of Saints and how we can help and support each other right where we are.
Letter from the Prelate (14 June 2019)
Mgr. Ocariz encourages us to live through the solemnities and feast-days of June with deep joy and gratitude to God for his immense love.
Letter from the Prelate (8 May 2019)
Mgr. Ocariz encourages us to live through this Marian month of May in continual thanksgiving to God "for everything, because everything is good", as St Josemaría taught.
Letter from the Prelate (9 April 2019)
In the week before Holy Week, Msgr. Fernando Ocariz invites us to contemplate Christ on the Cross, and to meditate on our personal availability to God's will.
Letter from the Prelate (7 March 2019)
The Prelate stresses the need to "sentire cum Ecclesia," "to live fully in harmony with the Church," which is the People of God and the Body of Christ.
Letter from the Prelate (14 February 2019)
Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz stresses the importance of unity with those around us, a unity that, since it is the result of love, "is not uniformity, but communion."
Letter from the Prelate (1 October 2018)
Letter from the Prelate for the 90th anniversary of the foundation of Opus Dei.