An Unbreachable Wall: Days on Guard
The day on guard, or watch day, is a custom in Opus Dei that involves dedicating one day of the week to living Christian fraternity with special intensity, keeping others present in our prayer, mortification, and small acts of charity.
"Your hearts will rejoice": The Christian Meaning of Sacrifice (II)
For Christians, the value of sacrifice is hidden in a meek and humble desire to be associated with Jesus' suffering in his Passion, and to free the heart from all that shackles it, aspiring to a lighter, brighter, freer life.
Christian Mortification—Praying in Body and Soul
What is the true meaning of "mortification" in our Christian life. An article by Jutta Burggraf (PhD in Theology from the University of Navarre), who passed away in 2010.
Why suffer? The Christian Meaning of Mortification
A brief summary of four articles on the meaning of Christian mortification.
What was Jesus' attitude towards penance?
One of the 50 frequently asked questions about Jesus Christ and the Church, answered by a team of professors of History and Theology at the University of Navarre. Juan Chapa is a Doctor of Theology from the University of Navarre.
Imitating Christ: The Meaning of Christian Sacrifice
Javier Sesé holds a doctorate in Sacred Theology from the University of Navarre.
The Beauty of the Saints and Christian Mortification
Pablo Marti del Moral has a doctorate in Theology from the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce.
Lent: a deep sense of reparation
"Let us give our mortification and penance (which have to be more intense during this time of Lent) a deep sense of reparation," Bishop Alvaro del Portillo advised us in a 1990 Letter.
Monday's Gospel: To Enjoy God's Presence
Gospel for Monday in the 2nd Week of Ordinary Time, and commentary.