“We realised that accepting the children God wanted to give us included not having any”
Laura is a mother of three. On social media, she shares her journey through the adoption process, coming to terms with infertility, and topics related to family and education. In this article, she talks about her faith, and how sharing her experience on social media has been a source of healing for herself and a way of helping others.
Juan and Lourdes, Spain: "The 'culture shock' of an imperfect, happy marriage"
Juan wasn't a believer when he started dating Lourdes. However, their affection, as well as the respect and admiration he had for her Christian upbringing, gradually drew him closer to God. In this video, they share their testimony of joys and difficulties.
Cloti, Spain: "If I'm with you, I already have a family"
After Cloti and Antonio had been married for some time, Cloti, who works at an optical store with many clients, was often asked the same question: "Don’t you have children?"
Priscilla and Aquila, the Married Apostles of the Early Church
In this Year of the Family in the Church, here is an article by Fr. Joe Thomas, chaplain at Mercer House in Princeton, New Jersey, that was published recently in the "National Catholic Register."
Letter from Pope Francis to Married Couples
This letter, signed by the Holy Father in Saint John Lateran on December 26, is addressed to husbands and wives around the world in the "Amoris Laetitia" Year of the Family. Pope Francis encourages them to continue to walk in "the strength of Jesus’ faithful love," with the help of St. Joseph and the Virgin Mary.
Challenges of our Courtship
Setting out on a life-long journey requires careful preparation. Dulce and José María speak about the challenges of their own engagement, which ended with their wedding in May 2021.
What is Marriage?
Here are answers to some common questions about marriage, including "Can marriage really be lifelong?" and "How should married couples approach having chlldren?"
A Dream Wedding… That Ended At McDonald’s
This story of a wedding begins in Puebla, Mexico, where Rocio Rondero, a 27-year-old Mexican woman, met René, who had come from Gijon in northwestern Spain to work in Mexico.
"Covid-19 strengthened our marriage"
Dominic and Winni from Hong Kong faced Covid-19 together in the hospital and, after a month and a half, managed to get through it.
Finally Living Together
Mimi always loved the party scene, but at some point she felt God wanted her to make a change. She worried about finding a boyfriend who would respect these changes, until she met Victor. They decided to make the effort to date in a Christian way, surprising their friends with their choice of not living together during the 5 years they were dating. Today, they are a point of reference for those same friends. As they see it, going against this cultural trend made their wedding day especially meaningful.