Number of articles: 56

Just Start

The eleven videos in this series on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, offered each month during the Jubilee Year of Mercy, can now be accessed on a single page.

Restore to Me the Joy of Your Salvation

An article on mercy and conversion, written for the Jubilee of Mercy in the Church. "The realization of the harm done by his sin – against God, others, and himself – leads David to seek refuge and healing in God."

You Did It To Me

An article on the corporal works of mercy, written for the Jubilee of Mercy in the Church. "As Saint Josemaría wrote, 'the sick are He,' a daring expression that reflects our Lord’s demanding words: 'Truly I say to you ... you did it to me.'"

Regina Coeli Address: Divine Mercy Sunday

Pope Francis in his Regina Coeli address on Sunday April 23 stressed the close tie between the forgiveness of sins and divine mercy: "we see the meaning of mercy that is presented on the day of Jesus’ Resurrection as forgiveness of sins."

"Just Start. Ways to help people"

The eleven videos in this series on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, offered each month during the Jubilee Year of Mercy, can now be accessed on a single page.

His Mercy Endures Forever: At the Beginning of the Jubilee Year

A new series of articles on the place of mercy in the Gospel and the corporal and spiritual works of mercy.

"Go and Do Likewise": the Law of God and Mercy

A new article in the series on mercy. We are asked to "shape our hearts in accord with the lines marked out by the Beatitudes, making a reality of the ideal Christ sets forth for us: 'to be merciful even as your Father is merciful.'"

Article by the Prelate in "Avvenire"

An article by Bishop Javier Echevarría, published in "Avvenire," expressing gratitude for the Jubilee Year of Mercy in the Church. "A person who has experienced mercy is called to communicate it to others."

From the Prelate

Just Start (11): Accompany Those in Prison

The final video in the series on the works of mercy, for the Jubilee Year of Mercy.

Closing of Jubilee Year in Our Lady of Peace

On November 13 in Rome, the Holy Door in the prelatic church of our Lady of Peace, which has been open during the Jubilee Year of Mercy, was closed by the Prelate.

From the Prelate