Number of articles: 9

The Christian Vocation

A homily given by St. Josemaria on 2 December 1951, the first Sunday of Advent.

On the Feast Day of St Josemaría: "Our work, the place where God acts"

We offer the homily preached by the Prelate of Opus Dei on the Feast Day of St Josemaría and a selection of pictures taken in the Masses celebrated in several countries.

The Christian Vocation, Nucleus of the Message of Msgr. Escrivá

Homily given by Msgr. Alvaro del Portillo at the Mass of Thanksgiving for the Beatification of Josemaría Escrivá (May 18, 1992)


The Great Unknown (audio version)

A downloadable audio version of St Josemaria’s homily “The Great Unknown,” given on Pentecost Sunday, May 25, 1969 and published in in the book "Christ is Passing By."

The Epiphany of the Lord - audio

A downloadable audio version of St Josemaria’s homily “The Epiphany of the Lord”, given on January 6, 1956, published in ‘Christ is Passing By’

God is here

Audio in English of the Christmas homily: "Christ Triumphs Through Humility", given by St Josemaria on December 24, 1963. Published in Christ Is Passing By.

Homilies by St Josemaria in mp3

Homilies by St Josemaria downloadable in mp3 format. Many of them, published in Christ Is Passing By and Friends of God.

The Strength of Love

A downloadable audio version of St Josemaria’s homily “The Strength of Love”, published in the book Friends of God. He explains how the Lord does not say that the proof of his disciples, faithfulness will be the working of wondrous miracles and prodigies, although he gave them the power to perform them, in the Holy Spirit. What does he tell them? "You shall be known as my disciples if you love one another".

That all may be saved

St Josemaria's homily "That all may be saved" published in ‘Friends of God’, is now available in mp3 format. "Our task as children of God is to get all men to enter, freely, into the divine net; to get them to love each other."