Free eBook: "For me, to live is Christ"
Christ is the starting point and the guiding thread of every Christian life. Our life of prayer, forming our emotions, inner freedom, spiritual struggle, our sense of mission... all converge in Christ. We want to live our life in Him, to live His life in ours.
Free eBook “God’s Tenderness: Reflections on His Mercy”
This free eBook brings together a number of articles published on this website during the Jubilee Year of Mercy convoked by Pope Francis.
eBook: “New Technologies and Christian Life”
We have gathered together in a free eBook five articles on how the new digital technologies can help us in our relationship with God and our neighbor.
eBook: "Mary, a Life Close to Jesus"
Jose Antonio Loarte reflects on 20 key events in the life of our Lady, in light of the Gospel and the Church's Tradition. For annexes to each chapter with texts from the Magisterium, Fathers of the Church, saints and Christian poets, see below.
eBook on the Family and Raising Children
In the context of the Synod on the Family convoked by Pope Francis, the 21 articles on the family and educating children available on this website are now being offered as an eBook for smartphones and tablets.